Macbeth Student Presentations
As part of their Macbeth projects, the students were expected to present to the class. This is a representative sample of three students performing, teaching and presenting on Macbeth and it’s literary features.
Is this a Dagger?
As part of their Macbeth project, some students opted to make a prop or design a set on which to stage a scene from The Scottish Play. Here are some examples of what was created. Each of the made pieces had to be explained in terms of the deeper symbolism they contain. Canaan’s Set for the Banquet Scene Macbeth’s over-sized crown by Tyrese Yll’s Witches’ Cauldron Jad’s Personified Dagger Dantaye’s...
Macbeth Essay Planning and Exemplar
1. Proposed structure of the essay: 2. Example Paragraph:3: Write your own practice paragraph: